Knollcrest Tax District
Knollcrest Tax District 

Property Restrictions

The following is a transcript of a specific hand written covenant, dating back to 1936 that are contained in all deeds of property located within Knollcrest: 


There shall not be erected or permitted on the herein described premises any building except a detached one family dwelling house which shall cost not less than twelve- hundred dollars ($1200.00) and further that said structure shall not be erected or maintained within 15 ft. of the boundary line separating this plot from adjoining plot; shall not have what is commonly known as a flat roof nor shall such building nor any part thereof be erected or maintained upon part of said premises within 25 feet of the line of any street or streets abutting on said lot. Any garage erected upon said plot shall be such as is appurtenant to a private residence which if erected must be under, attached to, or form a part of the dwelling house, nor shall more than one such dwelling house and one such garage to house nor (sic) more than two cars be erected or permitted on each parcel of land approximately 60 ft. in width. The said property shall not be used for any other purpose except for a private residence as aforesaid and shall not be used for any business or manufacturing purpose whatsoever or for any purpose which might constitute a nuisance. 


No fence or fences except a hedge fence shall be erected or maintained upon any portion of said premises. If such hedge fence or fences be built it shall not be higher than 4 ft. 


That no privy or outside toilet or water closet shall be erected or maintained upon any part of the said plot but that all sewage shall be disposed of by the owner of any residence by a septic tank or other similar and approved method so as to conform to all Board of Health rules or requirements and of a capacity of at least 50 gallons per room included in any building constructed with a drainage field of not less than 25 ft. per room. 


No building shall be erected or altered or rebuilt or permitted to remain upon said premises until and unless the plans and specifications thereof, together with color scheme shall have been submitted to, filed with and approved in writing by The Homeland Company, its successors, assigns or properly delegated substitute, and such building is to be constructed in strict accordance with such approved plans and specifications. 


In all house construction the under portion of the building below the main floor shall be enclosed with appropriate material, preferably the same used as for the outside finish of the building. 


Only dwellings of the general type known as log cabins or chalets or structures closely resembling in appearance this classification or architecture are to be constructed upon the premises. No roll or sheet roofing of any kind or flexible shingles are to be used in the construction of buildings erected upon the premises. Asphalt now permitted. No signs of any character shall be displayed upon these premises other than those which may be approved by the Grantors, Edward L. Goos and Albert S. Jenks, their heirs, administrators, successors or assigns.


No chicken or other poultry or dog kennels shall be kept or housed or maintained on the premises. 


No garbage or animal refuse is to be buried or burned on the premises. No vehicles except pleasure automobiles for private use of the owner of the premises shall be kept thereon. No refuse material or new building materials shall be stored or permitted to remain thereon nor litter of any kind except while a building is under construction. 


The Grantors, Edward L. Goos and Albert S. Jenks, their heirs, administrators, successors or assigns reserve the right to enter upon the premises at any time prior to the erection of a dwelling house thereon and grade the same, placing soil thereon or removing sub-soil but not top-soil therefrom down the grade line, to cut grass, to remove weeds and plant and cultivate grass, shrubs, flowers and trees thereon; and at any time to enter along the back or side line thereof to install and maintain or license others to install and maintain wires and apparatus above or below the ground for electric light or telephone or pipe for gas, sewer, or water for general use in, through or above the rear or side five ft. of said premises or along either side within five ft. of the boundary line. 


These covenants, conditions and agreements shall run with the land and shall be enforceable both as covenants and conditions. The heirs, administrators, successors or assigns expressly reserve to themselves and are hereby granted the right in case of any violation of the restrictions or conditions or by a breach of the covenants and agreements herein contained to enter upon the property upon or as to which such violation or breach exists, and summarily abate or remove at the expense of the owner thereof any erection, thing or condition that may be or exist thereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof as interpreted by them and they shall not by reason thereof be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Failure of the said Grantors, their heirs, administrators, successors or assigns to enforce any of the restrictions herein contained shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. 

And the Grantee, their heirs, administrators and assigns covenant with the Grantors, their heirs, administrators, successors or assigns that all restrictions herein imposed shall apply solely to the premises herein conveyed and that the same may be modified, changed or released by the Grantors, their heirs (sic), administrators, successors or assigns, the Grantors, their heirs, administrators, successors or assigns hereby expressly reserving and retaining all restrictive rights of their neighboring properties. 


It is mutually understood and agreed that said covenants and restrictions or any of them may at any time be altered or annulled as to all the lots fronting or abutting on both sides of any one street between the intersections therewith of two other streets by written agreement by and between the Grantors, their heirs, administrators, successors or assigns and the owner or owners for the time being of three-fourths of the lots fronting upon the block upon which it is agreed to alter and annul such covenants and restrictions as to the said premises without the consent of the owner or owners of any adjacent premises. 


No deed, assignment or lease of the premises herein conveyed shall be made or given by the Grantor except subject to the foregoing covenants and restrictions.

Knollcrest Tax District

PO Box 8053
New Fairfield, 06812


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For individual inquiries to Board members or to add your email address to the KTD notices mailing list, please visit the Contact Us page.

Quick Notes:

Knollcrest Tax District Board Meetings are the 2nd week of January, March, May, July, September and November at 7:30 PM at the windmill. All residents are welcome. Visit the Meetings page for more information.

Office Hours are 30 mins prior to Monthly Board Meetings. Board documents, requested at least two weeks in advance, will be made available to residents for viewing. Please email your document requests to

Tax Bills and Water Charges are due in July 1 / January 1.

Please visit the Knollcrest Community Facebook Page for community related announcements.



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© Knollcrest Tax District Board of Directors