Knollcrest Tax District
Knollcrest Tax District 

Knollcrest Tax District Regulations

As a tax district, the Board of Directors are empowered to establish regulations for the community. Because the tax district has no police department, it may request the town's assistance and authorize appropriate town authorities to enter upon the community proper to enforce the regulations. The Board has notified the town and appropriate town authorities are authorized to enforce the following regulations: 




No person shall operate an unregistered motorized vehicle upon any road maintained by the Knollcrest Tax District, and no registered motorized vehicle shall be operated by any person who does not have a currently valid driver's license to operate a motorized vehicle on any road maintained by the Knollcrest Tax District. A motorized vehicle is defined for this ordinance to include, but is not limited to, a motorcycle, mini-bike, moped, motor bike, motor scooter, motor go-cart, automobile or truck. 


EXPLANATION: The Board of Directors of Knollcrest Tax District want to ensure a safe environment for all Knollcrest residents and their guests. This regulation is drafted with that goal in mind. It is based upon a concern that allowing unregistered motor vehicles and unlicensed drivers to use roads maintained by the tax district would raise a presumption that an acceptable standard of care was not being exercised by the community, thereby exposing it to potential liability in the event of personal injury or property damage.




No persons shall permit a dog in their care to use property maintained by the Knollcrest Tax District without the dog being leashed, except that no dogs are permitted on the community beach for any reason. No persons shall permit a dog in their care to defecate on property maintained by the Knollcrest Tax District unless the droppings are removed from the property. 


EXPLANATION: The Board of Directors of Knollcrest Tax District recognize the rights of property owners, their guests and dog owners alike. The provisions of this regulation are intended to balance those rights. The intent of the regulation is to ensure a safe, healthy environment for Knollcrest residents and their guests while still ensuring dog owners are able to attend to the care of their animals. The regulation calls for dogs to be leashed whenever they are on community property, except that dogs are never permitted on the community beach. It is unreasonable to expect a dog to exercise total control, particularly on the beach. The close proximity of children playing in sand where a dog could lose control creates a health and nuisance potential not in the interest of anyone. The regulation also calls for dog owners to clean-up after their animal. The reason for this provision is self-evident. 



No person or persons shall congregate or loiter on any property maintained by the Knollcrest Tax District during the hours beginning at dusk and ending at 7:00 A.M., except that the Community Beach may be used for bathing daily until 9.00 P.M., provided no alcoholic beverages are present or consumed by those persons or person. 


EXPLANATION The Board of Directors of Knollcrest Tax District want to ensure Knollcrest's values for privacy, family and community appearance. This regulation is intended to support that proposition. The regulation is a rewrite of the Knollcrest Real Estate Corporation's regulation approved by its Board on June 3, 1991. It prohibits loitering or congregating on community property from dusk to 7:00 A.M., except that the community beach is open for bathing until 9:00 P.M., provided no alcoholic beverages are being consumed or are present. The regulation is based upon a concern that Knollcrest could become a place for people, particularly young people, to use as a social gathering point, along with all related unwanted activities like playing loud music, drinking alcoholic beverages and general rowdiness. 




WARNING NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY Use of beach and equipment is at your own risk


Children under the age of twelve MUST BE supervised by an adult


1. Beach opens daily at 7:00 A.M. and closes at 9:00 P.M.
2. Beach strictly reserved for the use of residents and their guests.
3. Only one person at a time on water slide and diving board.
4. Swim in roped-off areas only.
5. Stay out of landscaped areas.
6. The following are NOT allowed at the beach: Pets, Motor Vehicles, Glasses or Bottles, Swimming Under the Docks, Running, Pushing or Shoving, Bicycle Riding, Skateboarding or Roller Blading




Knollcrest prides itself on being a relaxing and enjoyable place to spend evenings and weekends with family and friends. In order to preserve this, each resident is asked to do their part. Recognizing that residents have different schedules that influence their ability to do work in and around their properties, we understand that there are times when you will need to do work on your property in the evenings and weekends. However, given that so many residents live in such close proximity to each other, it would be greatly appreciated that you keep this to a minimum and as low a noise level as possible. We further request that when you have contractors working at your home, that you limit this work to Monday through Saturday, and that you do not have contractors working at your home in the evenings. We thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation with this request. Likewise, we are sure that your neighbors will be equally appreciative.



Knollcrest Tax District

PO Box 8053
New Fairfield, 06812


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For individual inquiries to Board members or to add your email address to the KTD notices mailing list, please visit the Contact Us page.

Quick Notes:

Knollcrest Tax District Board Meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of January, March, May, July, September and November at 7:30 PM at the windmill. All residents are welcome. Visit the Meetings page for more information.

Office Hours are 30 mins prior to Monthly Board Meetings. Board documents, requested at least two weeks in advance, will be made available to residents for viewing. Please email your document requests to

Tax Bills and Water Charges are due in July 1 / January 1.

Please visit the Knollcrest Community Facebook Page for community related announcements.



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© Knollcrest Tax District Board of Directors